Well, guess what? YOU can order from the new January-June Mini Catalog AND it is the Sale-A-Bration catalog. Now let me elaborate a bit…
For those of you who had ordered from me in the last year, you should have received the new Mini Catalog by now. If you did not, please, please let me know! I will get one to you asap. There are many new and exciting things in this catalog, preparing us for Spring and Summer. What is Sale-A-Bration? It is a program where for every $50.00 you order (not including tax and shipping) choose a free product from the catalog that you should have received with your Mini Catalog. There are a couple free items for $100 or more too! The more you spend, the more you get free!
Sale-A-Bration lasts through February 28th. Only two months so take advantage of it. Here are what the two new catalogs look like. Remember, if you did NOT receive them give me a ringy dingy via email to pick one up. mbshedoudy@gmail.com.
While shopping, please use the Host Code in this box

If your order is under $150. If over, you will get Stampin’ Rewards and I want you to take advantage of those.
Well I promise I will be back soon for more news! We are in the thick of house projects, but wanted to touch base with all and let you know it is time to get new things in the new year!
Until then…